Академик Виктор Ларин: «Политическая мудрость и стремление к миру укрепляют китайско-российские связи» — Political wisdom, desire for peace consolidate China-Russia ties

Китайский портал Global Times (электронная версия издающейся с 1993 года ежедневной газеты «Хуаньцю шибао», которая специализируется на освещении международных событий, структурное подразделение газеты «Жэньминь жибао») к визиту в Россию председателя Китайской Народной Республики Си Цзиньпина опубликовал комментарий одного из ведущих отечественных специалистов по Китаю академика Виктора Лаврентьевича Ларина, информирует «Тихоокеанская Россия», ТоРосс. Читать далее

Phil Butler: For the Forty Thousandth Time: What Putin, Really, Really, Really Wants!

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After having read forty thousand headlines revolving around what Russian President Vladimir Putin “wants” for the past decade, I wonder if anybody but Putin knows? Based on what I have learned about the Russian leader, I can tell you this. He absolutely wants what almost all Russians want, for the west to just quit the crazy speculation, информирует «Тихоокеанская Россия», ТоРосс. Читать далее

Korean filmmakers filmed tiger!

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Korean filmmakers filmed tiger! The film crew of one of the largest TV channels in the Republic of Korea — EBS — visited the Land of the Leopard to create a new film about the wildlife of the national park. In the Year of the Tiger, under the guidance of our professional guide, they captured the Amur tiger — the world’s largest representative of the cat family

U.S., Russia Sign Joint Contingency Plan for Pollution Response in the Bering and Chukchi Seas

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WASHINGTON – The U.S. Coast Guard and the Russian Federation’s Marine Rescue Service recently signed the 2020 Joint Contingency Plan of the United States of America & the Russian Federation in Combating Pollution on the Bering & Chukchi Seas, the Coast Guard 17th District said in a Feb. 2 release.

On Feb. 1, 2021, Acting Director Andrey Khaustov of the Russian Federation’s Marine Rescue Service (MRS) and the U.S. Coast Guard’s deputy commandant for operations, Vice Adm. Scott Buschman, signed the 2020 update to the Joint Contingency Plan (JCP), a bilateral agreement focused on preparing for and responding to transboundary maritime pollution incidents.

The updated JCP promotes a coordinated system for planning, preparing and responding to pollutant substance incidents in the waters between the U.S. and Russia. The U.S. and Russian Federation have shared a cooperative bilateral agreement on transboundary marine pollution preparedness and response in this area since 1989. The newest JCP revision requires joint planning and transboundary exercise efforts to be coordinated by a Joint Planning Group led by Coast Guard District 17, and is guided by a non-binding two-year work plan. In addition, the updated JCP creates the new International Coordinating Officer role to help facilitate the critical sharing of information during coordinated response efforts.

“This is an important agreement between the U.S and the Russian Federation that ensures coordination between respective authorities and actively promotes the protection of our shared interests in these environmentally and culturally significant trans-boundary waters,” Buschman said. “We look forward to continuing our necessary and productive relationship with the Marine Rescue Service and the opportunity to conduct joint training and exercises in the near future in order to ensure the protection of our nations’ critical natural resources.”

The shared maritime boundary between the U.S. and Russia in the Bering and Chukchi seas has notoriously poor weather conditions and limited resources to respond to pollution incidents. This plan primarily addresses international collaboration matters and as such is meant to augment each country’s national response system as well as state, regional, and local plans. In the United States, the operational aspects of the plan fall under the responsibility of the U.S. Coast Guard’s 17th District Commander and Sector Anchorage.

Японский бизнес уверяет: Hotel Okura Vladivostok to Open in the Second Half of 2021

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Новости из TOKYO от January 4, 2021— Okura Nikko Hotel Management Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hotel Okura Co., Ltd., has announced it will open the Hotel Okura Vladivostok, the first Japanese-run hotel in the Russian Pacific port city, in the second half of 2021. Okura Nikko Hotel Management Co., Ltd. and Joint Stock Company «Mnogofunkcionalnii Gostinichnii Kompleks «Zolotoi Rog» signed an agreement covering the operation of the new property on December 29, 2020, информирует «Тихоокеанская Россия», ТоРосс. Читать далее

The Nexus: «COVID-19, Gig Economy or Expendable Employees»

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For two generations society has been built of the concept of the regular wage earner. Housing, commercial development and politics have all been based on the presumption that most people will have regular jobs, bringing in regular incomes, and that they can expect this to continue until they retire, информирует «Тихоокеанская Россия», ТоРосс Читать далее

Эксперт — Knowing Putin: It’s All About Occam’s Razor

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There are two things you can count on in this whacky 21st-century world. First and foremost, not a day will pass without some genius rocket scientist Putin expert telling us what the Russian president really wants. The other thing you can set your watch to is the relentless fear-mongering about how the Russians will soon invade “X” – you fill in the blank country or region, информирует «Тихоокеанская Россия», ТоРосс. Читать далее

Do We Face a Global Food Disaster?: F. William Engdahl

Мало кто сегодня помнит, что после засухи начала 1970 годов один из патриархов американской политики Генри Киссинджер организовал продажу зерна в Советский Союз по рекордно высоким ценам, что нанесло непоправимый ущерб советской экономике. Однако уже сегодня у Москвы появился прекрасный способ вернуть «должок» своему геополитическому визави, информирует «Тихоокеанская Россия», ТоРосс.
No, this is not at all an endorsement of the apocalyptic scenarios of AOC or that famous young Swedish climate expert, Greta. It is, however, a look at unusual weather disasters in several key growing regions from the USA to Australia, the Philippines and beyond that could dramatically affect food availability and prices in the coming year. That in turn could have major political implications depending on how the rest of the growing season develops. Читать далее

Israeli scientists resurrect yeast from ancient beer jugs to recreate 5,000-year-old brew

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Cocktails with Cleopatra?

What kind of beer did the Pharaohs drink? In ancient times, beer was an important ingredient in people’s daily diet. Great powers were attributed to beer in the ancient world, particularly for religious worship and healing properties. The pottery used to produce beer in antiquity served as the basis for this new research. The research was led by Dr. Ronen Hazan and Dr. Michael Klutstein, microbiologists from the School of Dental Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI). They examined the colonies of yeast that formed and settled in the pottery’s nano-pores. Ultimately, they were able to resurrect this yeast to create a high-quality beer…that’s approximately 5,000 years old, информирует «Тихоокеанская Россия», ТоРосс. Читать далее

Vladimir Putin as Mad Max and the Impending Oil Disaster

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The US withdrawal of all remaining diplomatic personnel from its embassy in Caracas means the real geostrategy show is about to start. For months now US policymakers have been on the rhetorical, economic, subversive interference offensive against the government of President Nicolas Maduro. But the reasons for the Trump administration’s aggressive stance against Venezuela are never cited. Here is a primer for the coming proxy war in Venezuela. Читать далее

Shiny one, you are! Shimmering green beetle discovered on an Indonesian island is named Yoda after the pointy eared Jedi master from Star Wars

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A green, shiny beetle that is smaller than a fingernail has been discovered on an Indonesian island and named ‘Yoda’ due to its uncanny likeness to the diminutive Star Wars Jedi master.

Trigonopterus yoda is one of more than 100 new species of insect discovered and formally names in the thriving rainforest.

Meanwhile, a group of three species were named after Asterix, Obelix and Idefix — the main characters in the French comics series The Adventures of Asterix.

Naturally, Trigonopterus obelix is larger and more roundish than his two ‘friends’.

Other curious names include T. artemis and T. satyrus, named after two Greek mythological characters: Artemis, the goddess of hunting and nature and Satyr, a male nature spirit inhabiting remote localities.

Three others have been named after the famous scientists Charles Darwin, father of the theory of evolution, and DNA pioneers, Francis Crick and James Watson.

The small stature of the beetles made identification difficult.

Distinguishing the animals apart and knowing whether a new species had been discovered or not included DNA sequencing.

Coming up with novel names for such a large number was almost as taxing as finding them.

In 2016 a weevil discovered by members of the same team in Papua New Guinea was given the name of Star Wars’ Chewbacca.

This was in reference to the insect’s characteristically dense scales reminiscent of Chewie’s hairiness.

They are among 103 new species of the creepy crawlies that have been found in the remote rainforests of Sulawesi.

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They are all members of a tiny family of weevils known as Trigonopterus — measuring just a few millimetres long.

Only a single member had been identified on the idyllic paradise since 1885 but the island is renowned for its enigmatic fauna.

This includes the deer-pig (babirusa) and the midget buffalo. But small insects have remained largely unexplored.

Lead author Dr Alexander Riedel, of the Natural History Museum Karlsruhe, Germany, said: ‘We had found hundreds of species on the neighboring islands of New Guinea, Borneo and Java — why should Sulawesi with its lush habitats remain an empty space?’

The island is covered by lowland rainforests, although much of this has been cleared.

The researchers, whose findings are published in the journal ZooKeys, say there may be more of beetles needing to be discovered and named.

Raden Pramesa Narakusumo, curator of beetles at the Indonesian Research Centre for Biology, said: ‘Our survey is not yet complete and possibly we have just scratched the surface.

‘Sulawesi is geologically complex and many areas have never been searched for these small beetles.’

Does the Covert Militarization of Japan Serve its National Interests Well

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According to Japan’s ministry of defense, Tokyo has recently adopted a set of guidelines aimed at strengthening its national defense potential over the course of next decade. It is estimated that over the period of the next five years, Japan will have to spend on its armed forces some 238 billion dollars to successfully implement this plan, информирует «Тихоокеанская Россия», ТоРосс. Читать далее

Regional airline plans direct flights to Pole of Cold in Yakutia

Polar Airlines may begin serving flights to the Tomtor settlement in Yakutia’s Oymyakon Region. Commercial flights to the Pole of Cold, which is very popular among Russian and foreign tourists, may begin in March, the company’s press service said on Monday. Читать далее

Gazprom Looks To Attract $14B For Russia’s Biggest Gas Processing Plant

Gazprom is in discussions with banks as it looks to attract in 2020 project financing of US$14 billion for the construction of its Amur gas processing plant, which will be Russia’s largest and the second-largest in the world, Gazprom manager Alexander Ivannikov, who is responsible for the company’s financial and economic policy, told Russian media on Monday. Читать далее